Anniversary concert tickets

Tampere University Singers is celebrating its 60th anniversary on Saturday 18th May 2024, 5 PM, at the Tampere University Main Hall (Kalevantie 4).

The tickets can be purchased in advance until May 15 at the normal price of €25/€20. Students, unemployed, pensioners, conscripts and people under the age of 18 are entitled to a reduced price.

Instructions for ordering and paying tickets in advance:

Order the tickets through the form below. After filling the form, you will receive payment instructions via email. Pay the bill and write down the name of the payer as well as the reference number. The program will be exchanged for the payer name and reference number at the concert checkout on the concert day. We will not send physical or digital tickets. 

By ordering tickets in advance you are agreeing to pay for them by the due date marked on the invoice. In case the invoice is not paid within seven days of a reminder sent after the due date, the order will be considered null, and the tickets will not be reserved. Tickets that have been paid for, will not be refunded

The information asked for in this form will only be used for purposes related to buying the concert tickets and will be destroyed after the concert. In uncertain situations, or if you would like to buy more than 6 tickets, please contact the treasurer of the choir at rahastonhoitaja.tyl(at)

I have read and understood the instructions for ordering and paying the tickets in advance